eFollowMe Game

Age range:
10-12 years of age
Resouce type:
Online game
Operating system:
iOS, Windows
Main topic of the resource:
Media, Science, nature and technology
Main function of the resource:
Acquire and retain life skills, Discover new possibilities and abilities, Have fun and enjoy themselves, Learn and develop
Checklist criteria met:
Stimulating experiences, Usability, Accessibility/inclusivity, Safety
Cyprus Pedagogical Institute of Ministry of Educational, Culture, Sports and Youth

The "eFollowMe" digital footprint game is a 3D game implemented using the Unity game engine. The game iseFollowMe is a three-dimensional online game that targets secondary (12 years) and high school students. The game aims at the digital footprint to raise awareness, as students (and even people of other ages) are in many cases exploring the internet without paying attention to the data they might leave behind about themselves (e.g. use of cookies, posts in online social networks). available for download, for both Windows and Mac operating systems.

The game asks players to participate in several challenges in order to see how they respond to different situations related to their digital footprint when navigating the web. The participants are also asked to answer several questions on their digital footprint and obtain a score based on this knowledge. The website (http://efollowme.cs.ucy.ac.cy), provides detailed information about the game.