Ombuds-comité pour les Droits de l'Enfant

French, German
Age range:
6-8 years of age, 8-10 years of age, 10-12 years of age
Resouce type:
Operating system:
Main topic of the resource:
Politics and society
Main function of the resource:
Acquire and retain life skills, Build up positive relationships with their family and friends, Develop a positive view of themselves and a respect for their identity, Discover new possibilities and abilities, Encourage their sense of self, community and place, Enhance social/cultural understanding, Learn and develop
Checklist criteria met:
Usability, Accessibility/inclusivity, Safety, Privacy
Ombuds-Comitö fir d'Rechter vum Kand

The Website depicts the Children's Rights in an appealing way, allowing children to gain easy access to the meaning of the Children's Rights. On one hand, the Children's Rights are provided in an easily understandable way and on the other hand, the Rights are concretized with the help of everyday life stories of children all over the world in specific situations.

The website tackles in a simple and easily understandable way a quite complex but very important topic for children. The website is created in a plain way, the stories of children's everyday life as a central part of the website concretize the different levels of Rights, allowing children to better understand their meaning.